
Photography Workshop on the Olympic Penninsula! Seattle Family Photographer

You guys I had such a great time at my first ever photography workshop! I have done mentoring and shoot outs but to put them both together was the best time. We chatted about business, social media, shooting, finding your style and more. I wanted attendees to come away with tangible steps to take their photography business to the next level. We brainstormed blog topics and ways to set them apart based on their interests and strengths.

My goal with the education part of my business is to reach those who are just starting out and want to find their niche and fine tune their techniques. I have a passion for making your business work best for YOU. Reach out if you want to chat more!

This session was my model family that we shot at the end of the day. I then did an editing video in my private facebook group afterwards. So many people ask for golden hour shooting tips and it’s much easier to show in person.
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula
photography workshop on the olympic penninsula

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