
WCP Photo Challenge 2020 Part 2: Printing! – Seattle Family Photographer


printing your photos

Ok now the fun part! If you missed the first post, start here! You may still be sorting through photos (I still am) but here are some resources for where to print when you’re ready!

Quick pep talk. Print. Your. Photos. Most of you are mommas who have camera rolls full of photos of your kids. I can’t tell you how many times I find my kiddos flipping through photo books and prints. These tangible reminders of moments and loved ones mean so much to them. They are also way more likely to bring up trips we went on if there are prints of it. I myself have prints from my childhood that are treasured. Print. Your. Photos.

IDEALLY I would like to have prints and photo books of everything. There are many inexpensive print options like Free Prints Now or,and even Costco that will at least get them off your devices. It can get pricey so having a folder set up that you can pull from as you see sales is a great way to go.

To keep them organized, I am currently just throwing them in a box… but hope to get that cleaned up too. For 4×6 prints I really like this system. My goal will be to have separate boxes for each kid.

Albums are an awesome way to print photos in one place. My two favorites are Chatbooks and Artifact Uprising. Chatbooks can even print automatically from your Instagram if you like. Artifact Uprising is a little bit pricier but better quality so think about how long you want these photos to last. Both these companies have apps that make this quick and easy. For Chatbooks, use code “WCP10” for $10 off! For vacations or events or just iPhone photos, the smaller books work really well. For anything bigger or my professional photos I feel strongly about using something else.

Lay flat albums! I get one big album a year of all the photos I took with my nice camera in a big album with lay flat pages. These are much more durable and the quality is amazing. There is even a pro lab with “thinner” lay flat pages (some get get too thick and it’s hard to fit about photos in them). I don’t think lay flat is a must have (more pricey) but definitely invest in a quality album company for the really important photos. I will have some resources at the end of places I recommend, or I’m happy to build albums with my lab for you!

*Not all printing companies are equal. I would steer away from Walmart, Rite Aid etc as their colors don’t generally match well. Of course if that is what is in your budget then it’s better than nothing! But keep that in mind if you ever receive photos that look different than they do on your device.

Get a peak at how I print my photos on my IGTV page here.


Printing companies I recommend:

Chatbooks $$

Artifact Uprising $$$

Nations $$$

Mpix $-$$

Done with this part? Head to my next post about backing up your photos! 

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