How incredible is this location for motherhood photos?! This is a remote location near Georgetown Lake in Montana. We go here often with my family and I have been dying to shoot at this spot. I drug my sister in law and nephew out (maybe just happened to bring some of my client closet…) and was able to get some amazing photos at sunset.
Why Does Location Matter?
Defining what you want your session to feel like is so important. This session on a remote Montana mountain at sunset was so soft and dreamy. I had this dress from my client closet on hand and loved how the cream color looked in the soft light.
Age of Kiddos
This particular location has some rocky areas that would have been difficult with a toddler. My little nephew was only 9 months old so was super happy to be held the whole time.
Location Color Options
The backdrop of your location can have a big impact on how your photos look. This location at sunset was so golden and green and yellow. I’ve been there at more cloudy times and had a bluer and more cool toned backdrop. My other mountain locations are generally more blue. Time of year can have an impact on color as well.
If you are in the western Montana area, let me know if you are interested in a family session out here!