
March Reading Recap

March Reading Recap!

Homegoing- Yaa Gyasi: This was really powerful. I didn’t realize going in that it was a multigenerational story (one of my favorite ways to read historical fiction). After the first two chapters of alternating points of view from two sisters I started really thinking about the long term impacts of those in the slave trade. This story shows that impact perfectly. I am so impressed with how the author wove fully formed new characters at every new chapter. I tired briefly of this about halfway through, but sticking with it was worth it. I should have listened to the audiobook instead though. I typically prefer audio versions of stories that take place in other countries or nationalities in order to get pronunciations correct.

The Perfect Marriage – Jeneva Rose: I am so torn on this one. It was really compelling and I ended up borrowing the book because I couldn’t get through the audio book quick enough. It was a little too graphic for me. I had guesses at the twist at the end. The characters personalities changed really significantly towards the end which felt incongruous. I have more thoughts but it would include more spoilers. Oh, and the title doesn’t make any sense for this book.

A Good Girls Guide to Murder – Holly Jackson. I really liked this one! Maybe the YA mystery/thriller genre is more for me. I started with the audio book (highly recommend) and then switched to the Kindle version and read the last half in a day. I really liked the main characters. There were a lot of side characters but she kept referring back to them so it wasn’t too hard to keep track of them. I liked how there was a mild twist revealed halfway through.

True Colors – Kristin Hannah – I really liked this one but I think that had a lot to do with the real life connections I have with it. It takes place on the Hood Canal in WA which is near where I have lived and even had the place we got married included in it. There were also horses as the main subject matter which is right up my alley. It isn’t one of her highest rated books but I will still recommend it.

Good Girl, Bad Blood – Holly Jackson – This is the second in the series after a Good Girls Guide to Murder and I liked it as well. Although to be honest I have forgotten most of it by now 😆.

The Push – Ashley Audrain – Whoa this was a lot. Super honest take on motherhood and bonding with your children. It was really heavy but very thought provoking.

The First Lie Wins – Ashley Elston: This was twisty and really clever. I really liked the characters. It’s being made into a tv show which I think will be really good.

I started so strong early in the month and really petered off towards the end. I started several books that I just didn’t feel like finishing. ” Unlikely Animals” was raved about from one of my top Bookstagrammers (Meagansbookclub) and I think I will come back to it another time. I just wasn’t in the mood for something quirky I think. I have tried to read “Iron Flame” several times and I just don’t care enough to spend time on something that long. Leave a comment with some recommendations! I have a hold lapse on my Libby account. I also started “Nightwatching” which I didn’t care for.

I also had a mishap with the third and fourth book from the “Finlay Donovan” series. I thought I had read the third one. The fourth popped up on my library holds so I started it. I got about a quarter of the way into it (super confused the whole time) when I realized that I didn’t actually read the third. And by then I had read enough of the 4th to completely spoil the entire third book. 😬🤦🏼‍♀️ I also realized I’m kinda bored of the storyline so I don’t think I will continue. I do really recommend the first and second books.

More recaps here!

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