
July Reading Recap

Another slow month! In my defense I started quite a few that I didn’t finish (again) and I’m still in the middle of listening to several that I am saving for an upcoming road trip. I had a lot of good ones this month though!

A Happier Life – Kristy Woodson Harvey. This was really light and predictable but I loved it. There was a little mystery involved which was fun too. Ok but side note… as someone who has moved so many times (8 times in 10 years) I do get a little side-eye-y about books that include moving to a new town and INSTANTLY gaining a community of dear friends in less than a week. So not realistic. But I do still recommend this!

The Summer of Yes – Courtney Walsh: This was also so delightful! Also light and not realistic but it’s summer so who needs that. This story was about a young gal who had a brush with death and is rethinking everything. She then comes across a fashion icon at the end of her life and convinces her to embark on a “summer of yes”. I fancasted Emma Stone as Kelsey and Meryl Streep as Georgina by the way.

Darling Girls – Sally Hepworth: I’ve been really dissapointed in Sally’s last several books. I discovered her when I was just getting back into reading and LOVED her stuff. But this one was so hard to read. It covered three girls in foster care that get taken in by a woman who ends up being terrible. The abuse was hard to read about and I just didn’t like it. It was compelling and I read the last half in a day.

Same As It Ever Was- Claire Lombardo: Ok I rated this one high but then couldn’t remember it a month later 😆. After reviewing… this is about a woman struggling with motherhood and identity. The story goes back and forth in her timeline. I liked the complexity of it. There were layers to it that I appreciated. I also really identified with many points of view.

Kid books: We are really loving The Wingfeather Saga. The audiobooks have gotten us though a few roadtrips. My youngest is 8 but I don’t think I would do it for anyone younger than that because there are some “scary” parts. (We have recently finished them but will save the full review for my August post).

More reading recaps here!

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