
July Reading Recap

Another slow month! In my defense I started quite a few that I didn’t finish (again) and I’m still in the middle of listening to several that I am saving for an upcoming road trip. I had a lot of good ones this month though!

A Happier Life – Kristy Woodson Harvey. This was really light and predictable but I loved it. There was a little mystery involved which was fun too. Ok but side note… as someone who has moved so many times (8 times in 10 years) I do get a little side-eye-y about books that include moving to a new town and INSTANTLY gaining a community of dear friends in less than a week. So not realistic. But I do still recommend this!

The Summer of Yes – Courtney Walsh: This was also so delightful! Also light and not realistic but it’s summer so who needs that. This story was about a young gal who had a brush with death and is rethinking everything. She then comes across a fashion icon at the end of her life and convinces her to embark on a “summer of yes”. I fancasted Emma Stone as Kelsey and Meryl Streep as Georgina by the way.

Darling Girls – Sally Hepworth: I’ve been really dissapointed in Sally’s last several books. I discovered her when I was just getting back into reading and LOVED her stuff. But this one was so hard to read. It covered three girls in foster care that get taken in by a woman who ends up being terrible. The abuse was hard to read about and I just didn’t like it. It was compelling and I read the last half in a day.

Same As It Ever Was- Claire Lombardo: Ok I rated this one high but then couldn’t remember it a month later 😆. After reviewing… this is about a woman struggling with motherhood and identity. The story goes back and forth in her timeline. I liked the complexity of it. There were layers to it that I appreciated. I also really identified with many points of view.

Kid books: We are really loving The Wingfeather Saga. The audiobooks have gotten us though a few roadtrips. My youngest is 8 but I don’t think I would do it for anyone younger than that because there are some “scary” parts. (We have recently finished them but will save the full review for my August post).

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