
My Favorite Christmas Books For Kids!

We LOVE books. We love to read in this house and I will forever be buying beautiful picture books especially around Christmas.

I tried to pick some favorites that maybe you haven’t heard about before. Let me know!

A Little Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens – Illustrated by Joe Sutphin: I love this version because it’s mostly the same words but with fun illustrations. I have just started reading this aloud for Christmas School this month.

The Story Orchestra – The Nutcracker – Illustrated by Jessica – Courtney – Tickle: My kids were super into books with music when they were little and I have been gifting this one to the kiddos in my life recently as well.

Dasher – Matt Tavares: You probably have heard of this one but I just had to include it. Don’t miss out on the audio version!

Snow Horses – Patricia Maclachlan: The illustrations are just gorgeous!

Santa’s Prayer by Tom Roberts: This story combines Santa and Jesus. I actually have a video of my father in law reading this dressed as Santa (he makes a great santa) that I need to share!

The Christmas Book Flood by Emily Kilgore: Ok have you heard of Jolobokofold tradition in Iceland? It’s a tradition where families read books all Christmas Eve. We have started a tradition to pick an evening to have hot chocolate and go through stacks of books as part of our advent activities for December. This book is beautifully illustrated as well!

How Winston Delivered Christmas and How Winston Came Home for Christmas by Alex T. Smith. These books are GREAT! They have 24 chapters meant to be read one each day in December. The illustrations are amazing. There are also crafts and recipes. The audio is SO good but so hard to find. See if your library has it on Libby! These books sell out so keep an eye out!

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever – Barbara Robinson: This story is just too good. We listened to it for the first time on a road trip and my kids LOVED it! (minor warning that there is some “old fashioned” content such as kids making fun of each others weight etc that probably wouldn’t be included today but it’s easy to peruse to see if you want to skip anything.) We saw the new movie and I was so happy with it. The old version of the movie is on Youtube but that one missed the mark on the overall message of the story I think.

North Pole Ninjas: Ok funny story. I was in a bookshop one day years ago and the authors were doing a book signing for this book. I was so intrigued by it and bought one. I was chatting with them and found out they live in Helena, MT and are only a few minutes away from my parents! You may recognize the author Tyler Knott Gregson from his poetry on Instagram!

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