
How to Have a Successful Family Photo Session with Small Children

How to have a successful family photo session with small children! Most of my family session clients are with families with small children so I have seen it all.

Don’t Stress “Bad” Behavior

This is the time to let a few things go. Nothing sabotages a mood like yelling at your kids! I know it can be hard to let things go but I’m going to ask you to try for just an hour.


I need you to play! I will tell you when to look at me for more posed shots, but overall I need you to interact with your spouse and kiddos. Try to keep in mind how you connect with your kids on a daily basis.

Drop All Expectations

Nothing will ruin a family session like unmet expectations. It can be so easy to have a very firm idea of how your session should go, how your kids should act, how your spouse should look at you. I know from experience that going in and just letting the photographer that you picked for a reason do their thing will 100% leave you feeling happy at the end.

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