
5 Questions to Ask If You Aren’t Getting Photography Inquiries

5 questions to ask yourself if you’re not getting enough photography inquiries:

  1. Do you have a social media plan? Are you using Instagram for inquiries? If so, do you have a strategy or are you just winging it? If Instagram is your main source of inquiries, you need to be posting at least 3 times a week! Most of your followers are not going to see every thing you post. Don’t be afraid to be repetitive.
  2. Are you telling people HOW to book with you? Do you have a link that takes less than 4 clicks to get to? Are they supposed to message you to book? Make it easy! I prefer to use a booking system called Iris Works (use my name Whitney Coudray for 10% off!). That way you can set the time and date that you are available.
  3. Do you have an email list? Are you using it? If no, set one up today! Mailchimp and Flodesk are the two main systems out there. Also, make sure you are using your email to add value and serve your clients and potential clients. What can you be the expert on?
  4. Where are people going to find you? If you don’t like the idea of social media being the main vehicle of eyeballs on your work, where else are people going to find you? Google – work on SEO and blogging. Pinterest – blogging. Networking – plan an event. There are a ton of great free podcast episodes out there on all of these topics!
  5. Do you know WHO you are speaking to? Who is your ideal client and what do they need to hear right now? What are there pain points around booking family photos?

Need more help? Head here for my free photographers self assessment! Photography inquiries will start heading your way once you have identified who your ideal client is. More help can be found here!

education for family photographers

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