
How to Take Your Own Fresh 48 and Newborn Photos – Seattle Family Photographer

Hey friends! I know this is a crazy time but even more so if you’re having a baby! I can’t imagine. You guys are super heroes. I have a few friends and clients that are not able to have a photographer with them to take photos, so here are a few tips and poses to use to take your own!

how to take your own newborn photos

Fresh 48 (in the hospital).

  1. Using your iPhone is totally fine. Phones these days are crazy good and always better than nothing at all.
  2. Natural light. SO important! When possible, turning off the overhead lights and getting close to a window is always ideal. If you’re in a room where you can’t turn the lights off without getting blurry photos, then turn them back on. In the hospital room don’t be afraid to move around furniture to get closer to the really good light.
  3. Keep it simple. Simple wardrobe, simple poses. The most important thing to capture is the tiny-ness of this time.
  4. Details. Don’t forget the details! The room number, the tiny toes, what you had for your “first meal” after giving birth.
  5. Video! (Make sure to take it with horizontal orientation.) I think video for when kiddos meet their sibling is an awesome idea.
  6. Move all around (dad or whoever is taking the photos) to get all different perspectives. Up close, from above, from far away etc.


At home sessions

  1. Pick a spot with decent light (bedroom or living room couch). Don’t forget to turn off the overhead lights!
  2. Keep an eye on where the light is coming from at all times. The best results will be shooting from the direction the light is coming from.
  3. Consider a tripod for full family photos. I think these are super handy!
  4. Some cameras have an “interval timer” where it takes a certain amount of photos every 5-10 seconds.
  5. Sibling photos. SO hard! Pick the sibling that is least likely to launch the baby (keep an adult real close). Keep asking the kiddo questions and give them jobs. countdown so they know how long it will be. (5 more photos! or countdown from 10.)




  1. I really like Lightroom for editing. I feel it is really easy to learn and intuitive.
  2. If you want to be able to fine tune the most when editing, consider shooting in RAW or in RAW and JPEG. When shooting RAW you have more wiggle room to save bad lighting, but the file has to be converted to be used. Some cameras allow you to shoot RAW and JPEG which means you will have both versions of the file. I will be offering low cost editing for those who want a professional to edit their photos.


I hope this helps! If you’re a client of mine or even of you love elsewhere, I’m happy to do a FaceTime call to coach you through it! Below is a checklist to use. You can also make a Pinterest board and heck them off as you go so you don’t forget something! I will link my own Pinterest board here of Newborn Photography poses. 

how to take your own newborn photos

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