
2 Ways Photographers Can Avoid Burnout

The middle of winter or “off season” may seem like a strange time to talk about burnout, but what if I told you that it was the BEST time to sort this out.

Burn out happens when you take on too much and is often exacerbated by your work not inspiring you anymore.

#1 Build your business to thrive off your ideal session type. Now I’m not saying “shoot only what you love” because that’s not always practical. But taking steps where the majority of your sessions are lighting you up is ESSENTIAL.

#2 Be practical about how many sessions you can take on a week/month. A booking calendar is the best way to set shooting boundaries as long as you don’t add to it! Remember, saying yes to extra sessions usually means you’re saying no to someone else (usually your family).

I’m planning a portfolio building focus group in April to help new photographers nail their ideal session type through model calls and portfolio building. Click here to join the email list to be notified!

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