How to have a playful photo session on the beach with your family!
This family has been with me for years so when they moved from Washington to California I was so sad! Luckily they hired me to come photograph them in San Diego! We ended up with this really playful photo session on the beach! It’s amazing to me how different beaches look in California from each other.
How to pick a location for your beach session:
Beach photo sessions can be tricky for lots of different reasons! At a popular city like San Diego it can be tricky to find a spot that isn’t packed full. Can you tell this one was actually pretty busy? Thanks to Photoshop and intentional posing I was able to deliver a gallery without lots of bystanders in the background. Finding a spot at the edge of beach of just up the road from the main section can help. Weekdays are helpful or you can do a morning instead of evening.
This family had a beach in mind that they had been spending a lot of time at. I love when we can incorporate locations that have meaning to your family. This spot had the perk of being really close to the cutest boutique hotel that I stayed at. It was such a highlight of my summer to have a night away!
Another thing to keep in mind is having enough space. Some beaches have less space or lose space with a high tide. Having more space to run is so helpful to having a playful session!
This location had the benefit of a path alongside it with really interesting trees. These made for a perfect way to frame the family and gave them variety in their gallery.
How to use prompts instead of posing:
While I do get some more classic poses, I really aim to have more play based photos when on the beach. There are so many opportunities for activities and movement. WIth toddlers and little kids who naturally just play in that environment anyways, I am focusing on composition and placing them in general areas where I want to shoot. When I saw the parasailers I made sure I was ready with the boys below them. The boys were just playing! Mom and dad and older sister are easier to prompt and move around. I will often have them grab hands or cuddle. Using things in the environment like rocks or sticks or crabs to play with as well.
Tips and tricks for shooting on the beach:
It’s important to dress accordingly when sand and water is involved! I always recommend wearing clothes that they don’t mind getting dirty and to bring a change of clothes for after. Clothes that are flattering in the wind are usually a good choice as well. Keep in mind the surroundings when choosing outfits. Light fabrics and more casual style works really well.
It’s super important to shoot close to sunset if you’re aiming for golden hour at the beach. You rarely will have things to block the light with. There is also the plus of having a longer blue hour on the water. Without cloud cover or diffused light it can be easy to blow out the water and sky. I love a deep color in my photos and that is done really well with golden light.