
Every Inquiry is Your Ideal Client.

boise family photographer

Portfolio Building! Model call, whatever you want to call it. If you’re not attracting YOUR ideal client type than you need to use portfolio building.

I have used portfolio building to grow my business with ideal clients over and over again every time we move. I have been intentional with what sessions I curate and show so that I book more of them!

What is portfolio building? It’s curating ideal sessions that you have 100% control over (location, time of day, outfits) in exchange for giving them family photos. Maybe you prefer a certain type of location or styling but don’t have any photos showcasing that yet. This is for you!

One session example I have is from the photo above. I had a dress in mind that I LOVED so I put out a model call for someone to use it. This family then let me dress them completely and I am OBSESSED with the results. If you want to see more from this session head here!

Why portfolio building? Without examples of what it is you do want to photograph more of, you’re way less likely to attract it. For example, if you want to offer golden hour sessions but don’t have any to show on social media or your website, you are way less likely to book them! Many people don’t know what they want without seeing it as well.

Don’t know who your ideal client is? I have a freebie for you!

Plus you can use it intentionally to market to a different audience than you already have. How? By picking and choosing who you work with to tap into their market and influence. The whole point is to be mutually beneficial!

Want more info? I have an affordable class all about this!

See more photography education here.

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